Establishment Labs became the first company headquartered in Costa Rica, to go public on an American stock exchange. Establishment Labs is a global med-tech company in the breast aesthetics and reconstruction market, and the first breast aesthetics IPO in 3 years.

Establishment Labs was founded in 2004 with time for searching and benchmarking that occurred before becoming market-ready. Founder, Chacón-Quirós is the son and brother of a plastic surgeon, his mother is an obstetric nurse and his wife is a doctor. His family has been a great influence on him and he says, “…my father taught me everything that existed, and my mother taught me everything that was missing.”

This perspective was significant when doing consumer research related to his innovation, which became the Motiva® implant. Chacón-Quirós was primarily focused around consumer needs and what was missing in the market. He wanted to find a way for his innovation to transform the consumer’s initial experience, the healing process, and ultimately their healthcare outcomes.

Read the original article here.